Teaching Tuesday: 4 Tips to Help You Remember

Learn how to beat the daily distractions and have a better memory

From the New York Times, “Smarter Living” comes the variety of ways we’re distracted daily and how it affects our memory. Learn 4 tips for improving your ability to remember.

Click here for the article

Check out our hundreds of memory prompts, listed by category. Great for general recall of the past–especially if you’re writing your memoir.


Funny Friday: Your 20-Year-Old Body

 Funny, Infuriating, or True?



Doc says to the patient, “You have the body of a twenty-year-old, but you should return it. You’re stretching it completely out of shape.”


Teaching Tuesday: Write Your Obit in Your Lifetime

How many of you read the obits first thing?

Fascination with obits is actually a good thing. We accept the reality of death and compensate the loss by finding some hidden meaning or benefit. Reading obits is a positive strategy for dealing with loss.

Photos from Legacy.com

Now, how about writing your obit–while you’re still here on this planet?   The 7 Benefits:

It shows your love and provides a opportunity for closeness … and eventually closure. It allows a safe place for offering information you may not have been willing to share previously. It can foster the healing of old wounds, thus forging a path to forgiveness. And it can lead to your reuniting with former family and friends through e-mail and social media.

Leads to a better understanding of yourself. You gain deeper insight of your significant life events. It offers a place to express your uniqueness that leads to self-awareness and self-acceptance. You look inward and contemplate who you truly are as a human being.

Leads to a greater realization of your personal power. Dealing with this sensitive issue shows great strength. It’s holding up a mirror to your life—and showing that it counts, warts and all.

Offers a message to future generations and teaches positive values. Your strength and resilience is a model for others to follow.

Sparks curiosity about you among your family and friends. It may motivate others to research details or to start journaling, or even to write their own obituaries.

Teaches new skills. Specifically, how to organize and write your thoughts–and how to inform others.

Offers your own words about your personal story and how you want to be remembered … and YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WILL THANK YOU!

Rabbi Harold Kushner writes, “I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending that haunts our sleep so much, as the fear… that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived.”

Every passing life leaves something beautiful behind.

Teaching Tuesday: Write Your Obit in Your Lifetime

How many of you read the obits first thing?

Fascination with obits is actually a good thing. We accept the reality of death and compensate the loss by finding some hidden meaning or benefit. Reading obits is a positive strategy for dealing with loss.

Photos from Legacy.com

Now, how about writing your obit–while you’re still here on this planet?   The 7 Benefits:

It shows your love and provides a opportunity for closeness … and eventually closure. It allows a safe place for offering information you may not have been willing to share previously. It can foster the healing of old wounds, thus forging a path to forgiveness. And it can lead to your reuniting with former family and friends through e-mail and social media.

Leads to a better understanding of yourself. You gain deeper insight of your significant life events. It offers a place to express your uniqueness that leads to self-awareness and self-acceptance. You look inward and contemplate who you truly are as a human being.

Leads to a greater realization of your personal power. Dealing with this sensitive issue shows great strength. It’s holding up a mirror to your life—and showing that it counts, warts and all.

Offers a message to future generations and teaches positive values. Your strength and resilience is a model for others to follow.

Sparks curiosity about you among your family and friends. It may motivate others to research details or to start journaling, or even to write their own obituaries.

Teaches new skills. Specifically, how to organize and write your thoughts–and how to inform others.

Offers your own words about your personal story and how you want to be remembered … and YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WILL THANK YOU!

Rabbi Harold Kushner writes, “I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending that haunts our sleep so much, as the fear… that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived.”

Every passing life leaves something beautiful behind.