7 Memories: Write Your Memoir in 28 Days

Memoir samples and examples
Step-by-step directions
Templates to create memoir pages
Tips for writing a good story
NEW EDITION with Powerful New Tools to capture your memories and turn them into a beautiful memoir–even if you don’t consider yourself a writer or have a lot of time.
How to Write a Memoir
28 Days in 3 EASY steps:
GET READY (Days 1-4)
WRITE (Days 5-25)
FINISH (Days 26-28)
Relax and Write Your Memoir
Sit down with your cup of coffee or tea and start with a slice of life–7 memories that show your hopes and dreams, awesome experiences, and personality. They reveal your UNIQUE life story.
Learn how to begin to write your memoir, step-by-step.
Use our memoir examples to turn mere words and phrases into detailed descriptions.
Re-charge your memories using our prompts.