Write Your Awesome Obituary
Write your own obituary–how you want to be remembered.Your family and friends will thank you for it!
What our writers say
I am impressed. You did a grand job of editing my manuscript, Down to a Soundless Sea. Your insights are brilliant. Your attention to detail is astonishing. I adore your dedication to perfection. Your sensitivity to my voice and style was exemplary. The manuscript is set for publication and you helped make it possible. I consider you a diamond polisher of the highest caliber.
With 7 Memories, I wrote a memoir that my friends and family LOVED. I had to keep printing more and more copies because everyone who read it, wanted to keep it. And I don’t consider myself a writer at all. Thank you, Trish, for helping me create a treasured personal biography!
You were invaluable in helping me see my project through from the earliest stages to publication. You read my manuscript with an impartial thoughtfulness and with intelligence. You made helpful suggestions for change and aided me to implement them. Your editing was always for the improvement of the work.
When it was time to find an agent and a publisher, you helped me along every step of the way. You never gave me false hope, but provided gentle encouragement. Your opinions were always wise! Now that my book has been published and is receiving the positive comments of others, I truly know it couldn’t have been done without you