Time for a Professional Memoir Review and Critique
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Clients praise our memoir review and critique services
Without your very professional and yet mild and respectful critique, I would not have made it this far. I am elated and hope to soon be able to inform you that we have found a publisher. In the case that I will need your professional help, you will certainly hear from me.Thank you again and wish me luck.
Trish, Your review of my manuscript dazzled me with its clarity. Your writing is direct, pithy, to-the-point, and professional. Thank you for your concrete suggestions for improvement, your keen observation of details, and your comprehensive list of remedies. Well done!I will use your suggestions. I accept them in good faith. Your work is worth every penny of its price. A great value! With sincere thanks,
Trish, I want you to know the dollars I spent for your manuscript review were dollars very well spent. As you said early on, it is a lesson in writing. I am still digesting the curriculum and probably will be for some time into the future. There are a few other areas in which we differ, but all-in-all, I’m very pleased with the review and will take ALL of your suggestions into consideration. You’re truly great at what you do and ANY author will benefit from his/her contact with you.
Trish, I just read your review and have to say that it is quite helpful–it’s exactly what I was looking for. I’m going to add the changes to my manuscript and hopefully it will turn out much better. I would also like to send the revised manuscript to you when it’s ready. I’ll let you know.
I appreciate your thorough, perceptive suggestions regarding my manuscript for young adolescents. I will be working on your suggestions for the rewrite. I feel that your comments are accurate and extremely helpful. Thank you for your expertise. I hope to make this into a book that actually gets published
I spent more than two hours thinking about and integrating your comments. I was especially pleased with your helping me pick up the pace–which is very important.It helped to have some positive comments. You really read this stuff carefully. Great example of paying attention to EVERY detail! Thanks.
I have received a very thorough and highly professional critique which has turned my idea of what constitutes a publishable novel right on it’s head. I suppose that, like me, most new writers consider the step from writing a novel to having it accepted by a publisher to be a mere walk in the park. But your review has radically changed my views on that score. And I thank you for it. Let me assure you that I am truly happy with what you have done for me. I wanted only an unbiased assessment of what I had written and I received not only that but a whole lot more. I expected something good – what I got was something truly outstanding.
If it weren’t for you and your honest feedback and critique of my material, I never would have gotten this far so quickly. I applaud your business ethics. You could have told me the material was great, good luck, and thanks for the fee. That wasn’t the case. You instructed me how to rewrite the manuscript. You have changed my life and I thank you.