Free First Feedback Form Please complete the form below and attach your sample material as indicated. We will respond with some general first feedback in a day or two. This is a complimentary service at no cost or obligation to you. Total number of words of your ENTIRE memoir thus far (not just the sample). Fees are based on the length of the material -- number of words. (Hint: Open your entire document in MS Word, click TOOLS, WORD COUNT. How many drafts have you written? onetwothreefour or more Has your memoir been professionally critiqued? YesNo Has your material been professionally edited? YesNo What services you are seeking? (Check all that apply) Memoir critique/reviewHeavy copyeditingLight copyeditingProofreadingCoaching What is your publishing goal for your memoir? self-publishshare with friends and familyno specific goals right now What are your concerns about your material? How did you learn about 7 Memories? Google or other search engineFacebookPinterestGoogle+Other web site7 Memories client Referral: Attach Your 5-page double-spaced SAMPLE MEMOIR File. Copy/paste the first 5 double-spaced pages of your memoir into a new document file and save it with a new name (for example: YOURLASTNAME SAMPLE). Please do NOT send your entire memoir file. Captcha + 13 = 23 Δ